Tuesday, June 2, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award

Thank you Kirsten from Gobs of Giveaways for awarding us the One Lovely Blog Award!

Our "One Lovely Blog Award" Goes To
1. Bon Bon Cupcakes
Ruffled Leggings for Little Girls and Delicious Giveaways

2. The Mom Buzz
Buzz-worthy info and a great mentor who is always willing to help other bloggers

3. Baby Wears Prada
Follow & Pray for Baby Layla's journey with cancer

4. Jamie's Precious Peas
Great Giveaways and a Great Cause (Parker's Pals)

5. Busy Mom
Great tips & tricks that help make busy moms lives easier

6. Glamajama's Glam Talk
Children's fashion tips from a mom with a passion for helping other mom-based businesses

7. Mom Dot
Love Trisha's Straight Talk & Topics

8. Katydid and Kid
Tech Tuesdays are a must see...Easy-to-Follow tips for Blogger Add-ons

9. Tip Junkie
Craft Tips, Blogging Tips, Even Submit Your Own Tips

10. Hippo Scraps Blog
Wonderful FREE Blog Templates & Buttons

More Coming Soon...

11. To Be Announced

12. To Be Announced

13. To Be Announced

14. To Be Announced

15. To Be Announced

Here Are The Rules
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and link to his or her blog.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.

3) Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.


  1. Congrats, you deserve it! Thanks for passing this along to me!

  2. Thank you so much! You absolutely rock! Let me know if I can do anything for you! LOL! Did I buzz your blog yet????

  3. Thank you so much :D You are soooo creative!

  4. Thank you! You are One Lovely Blog too. I posted about it here:

  5. Thank you so mcuh for the lovely award. What an honor to be included with these fabulous women. {{hugs}}


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